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A Boeing 777 left the runway at Munich during an Autoland approach - here is why it happened.

Photo du rédacteur: TIPAHTIPAH

According to this source

a Boeing 777-312 ER from Singapore Airlines left the runway at Munich shortly after landing during an Autoland approach back in November 2011.

The Pilot In Command decided to be the Pilot Flying for the landing phase because of the weather conditions as required by the company's SOP (the first officer was the Pilot Flying at the beginning of the flight) and took the decision to perform a full Autoland.

The weather conditions were 2,000 meters of visibility and 300 ft base clouds layer. Since the weather conditions were not actual CATII/III, the safety measures from the ATC perspective were not in place (i.e. aircraft separation between departing and landing aircrafts was one runway length corresponding to the CAT I minimum separation as it was supposed to be).

The PIC should have let the controller know about his intention to perform a full Autoland.

A BAE 146 was cleared for take-off on runway 08R (same runway as the B777 was approaching to) ahead of the landing B777.

When the Boeing crossed the runway threshold, the BAE146 started to interfer with the Localizer signals.

Due to the interference with the LOC signals by the BAE146 that was taking-off, the B777 started to bank left and the main gear touched the runway down ignoring the Go Around ordered via the TO/GA switch by the PIC (because of the touchdown event). Therefore the B777 continued his landing and initiated the Roll Out mode resulting in left and right turns off the runway.

Nobody was injured and no visible damages to the plane were observed.

I personally did not know and therefore I've learned that:

-Different minimum separation between taking-off and landing traffics exists between CAT I and CAT II/III weather conditions.

-The PIC should let the ATC controller of his intention to perform a full Autoland in weather conditions that differ from the CAT II/III, so that he can take precautions by increasing the minimum separation distance between taking-off and landing airplanes to avoid any ILS interferences.

Stay proficient and be curious 😊


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