The Carenado Cessna 152 used in combination with the amazing free NHAdrian mod is the most realistic C152 available so far. The C152 is the most flown trainer around the world and if you're looking for a X-Plane 11 C152 to train at home after your real world flight lessons for instance, this is the one you're looking for !

What does it bring?
First of all, a realistic flight model unlike the original Carenado C152 and the JustFlight C152. However, you'll need to purchase the Carenado C152 first before being able to enjoy this mod. Yes, the Carenado C152 is quite an old product but the NHAdrian mod gives some fresh air to its Lycoming O-235-L2C 110 HP engine !
From the ground steering that simulates the spring loaded nose wheel, to the typical flight behavior of the Cessna 152, you'll be able to fly it as the real thing. The airspeed vs flaps vs engine RPM are respected for each of the traffic pattern legs and I can fly it like I fly the C152 in real life on which I have numerous flight hours. Forward slip is well simulated and will help you loosing altitude rapidly and side slip is remarkably reproduced so that crosswind landing with fully perpendicular wind can be performed up to 15 knots !
Not only a realistic flight model but much more...
Perform a walkaround before starting your engine, fly with a tablet to load a moving map via the AviTab plugin or enjoy the VR fully supported mod. Admire the huge amount of work carried out on the paint and reflections details and a wonderful bird strike effect as a bonus to work emergency procedures. Those are the main features brought by NHAdrian mod to name a few.
I did a full review of the plane with a surprise at the end of the review! Check this out by clicking on the link below: