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Orbx roadmap for X-Plane 11 in 2019 has been released!

Photo du rédacteur: TIPAHTIPAH

Dernière mise à jour : 21 déc. 2018

Orbx Twitch stream has just finished and lot of great annoucements for X-Plane 11 to come in 2019!

True Earth technology is moving forward with:

TE GB South SP1

Multiple fixes for bugs and various improvements; better road blends with ortho; more Points Of Interest to be added.

TE Netherlands North

There is a poll on going on Orbx website to see if there is a demand from the XP community to release The North of Netherlands as a budget region to allow flights from Amsterdam Schiphol. Let them hear your voice!

TE GB North

Last region of the Great Britain series is on his way. Few shots of Oban area.

Orbx new airports:

Eagle County Regional airport KEGE

What a nice annoucement. We will be able to plan awesome flights in the Colorado from Eagle County to Aspen especially if you own AspenX!

Take a look at these two screenshots...

LOWI Innsbruck

Early stage of the development. Looking gorgeous already!

Stapleford EGSG

One of the next coming airports to work along with TE GB.

Orbx Global announced!:

Replacement textures set for X-Plane 11 default textures.

From the screenshots, a significant improvement of the texture resolution can be seen. No season textures yet though.

Default X-Plane 11:

Orbx Global new textures set:

At last but not least, a lot of conversion airports to bring massinumber of airports. Not simple conversion of P3D airports but a real effort and work to bring high quality airports for X-Plane 11 (i.e. Pacific North West area).

Isn't it a nice preview of what is waiting for us in 2019? That's going to be a nice year. I'm looking forward to seeing all those on my Hard Disk 😁.




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