In October this year (2018), social media groups dedicated to X-Plane 11, were flooded with multiple enthusiastic posts about people enjoying Quatam River airport developed by a talented group of folks: PropStrike Studio...I must admit I was one of the multiple authors who posted their videos/pictures and comments about this great scenery. I jumped right on it the first hour it was released actually, and I never regretted it!
PropStrike Studio was really clever to showcase their talent through a freeware called Machmell Fisheries scenery that you can download for free on their website (https://propstrikestudio.com/products/fisheries).
This freeware was their second release because a payware scenery (That I own too!) was available already before (small price but big fun by the way with Allan/Burrows Island and its highly slopped strip on one of the island North of Seattle, Washington US). I had never heard about this latter before Machmell Fisheries freeware came out to be honest. This is why I'm saying that releasing this scenery for free, built the enthusiasm that we observed when it came out. Since then, PropStrike Studio's started to be known in the X-Plane community.
Back to Quatam River scenery, it is composed of two fields in British Columbia, Canada. The main airport is actually a mud strip surrounded with pretty high mountains to the North and South sides of it. Flying westerly from it will put you above the Ramsay arm that you can follow up to the North and discover the second strip hidden in a mountainous region that's not leaving a lot of options in case of go around but hey that what bush flying is all about, right?! This second strip is even more difficult to access especially from the North. Be prepared to be stopped by the beautifully rendered fir trees at your first landing attempts! Vegetation rendition is probably the highest skill that PropStrike Studio showed via the three sceneries released so far. Those are gorgeous, varied and never seen before in X-Plane 11. The trees move with the wind too (as far as I know, Rising Dawn Studio with their Half Moon Bay scenery, was the first to propose this feature in X-Plane 11 with moving trees and power lines), that enhances the realism off the scenery.
When it rains, some water puddle will appear here and there on the strips, first time I've seen that in X-Plane 11 too! Some obstacles can be on the strips because woodcutters work in the area so watch out before taking off or landing.
I had fun with helicopter flying (well...crashing) while visiting and exploring the area because there are not only strips for planes but also challenging spots to land your favorite helicopter on one of the numerous heli pads and spots...check this out by clicking the link below!